Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Simple Postural Change that can eliminate headaches, neck pain, and tension

Posture affects all human function, both consciously and unconsciously, from breathing to thinking. Most of us are familiar with the affects of posture on mood. A classic example: If you stand with your back hunched over and your head down, you'll begin to feel lousy. If you stand up tall with your shoulders back and chin up, you'll begin to feel better. Not only does posture affect your mood, but it affects the very function of your body as well.

"Spinal Pain, headache, bloodpressure, pulse, and lung capacity are among the functions most easily influenced by posture. The corollary of these observations is thatmany symptoms, including pain mayb e moderated or eliminated by improved posture." Am. Journal of Pain Management Vol 4. #1 Jan 1994.

One of the most destructive postural problems is FHP (or forward head posture). FHP is when your head is positioned out in front of your shoulders. It develops as a result of holding the chin toward the chest while reading, after rear-end car accidents, sleeping on your back with thick pillows under the head, and due to poor head positioning during computer use.

Why is FHP such a problem? Because it takes the natural curve out of the neck and significantly increases the stress on the spine, muscles, and discs. For every inch that your head is held forward the compressive forces placed on the spine increase 100%. When the spinal discs, and joints are subject to increased stress for a sustained period of time they begin to deform and permanent changes can take place. If left uncorrected, forward head posture can have serious health consequences.

"FHP leads to long term muscle strain, disc herniations, arthritis, and pinched nerves" Mayo Clinic Health Letter. Vol.18, #3, March 2000.

Heres how you can lessen the damaging effects of FHP:

First: Seek chiropractic care! Chiropractic corrective care can significantly reduce the effects of forward head posture on the spine. Gentle adjustments to the spine can help reduce spinal misalignments and stress and help restore the natural curve of your neck and bring your head back over your shoulders. Thereby significantly improve the integrity of the spine and nerve system.

Second: Avoid the "chin-to-chest" posture while reading. Instead, keep your head up, use a bookstand or simply bring reading material up to your eyes instead of your eyes down to the reading material.

Third: When using your computer, set the monitor at eye level so that when looking straight ahead, you gaze at the upper 1/3 or the monitor. Also, use a stand up clipboard or monitor clip for papers that you are working from so as to avoid bending and turning the neck to view papers that are flat on the desk. Many office supply stores have versions of paper stands or copy stands that attach to the computer monitor.

Forth: Use a headset when talking on the phone to avoid a sideways kink of the neck which occurs when you sandwich the phone between your ear and shoulder

Fifth: When sitting for long periods of time, take a moment ever :30 minutes and notice your posture. Then sit up straight, elevate your chest, and bring your head back over your shoulders. Every hour get up from the chair and stand with your back against the wall. Turn your palms forward and lightly squeeze your shoulder blades together. Press the back of your head gently into the wall, hold for 5 seconds and relax. walk away from the wall, but keep that chest elevated and head back over the shoulders. It's gonna feel strange at first, but your body will get used to it.

Maintaining good posture is a lifelong commitment. And its worth it!
By making a few small changes in your posture and having great chiropractic care you're more likely to avoid the damage and degeneration that comes with spinal and postural neglect and instead have a healthy spine for a lifetime!

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